About Us
Breast Reconstruction Awareness (BRA) provides support to many women at all stages of breast reconstruction and beyond.

Our Vision
Founded in 2004 by Breast Reconstruction Nurses, Christine Moxon and Jayne Knight. Our meetings are an opportunity for women, newly diagnosed with breast cancer, to be able to meet and talk to other women who have been through the same experience.

BRA Groups & Meetings
Breast Reconstruction Awareness Meetings are open to women who are considering immediate or delayed breast reconstruction and those who have had breast reconstruction and who are at various stages of treatment.
The specialist plastic surgery team in St Andrew’s centre at Broomfield Hospital has been praised for its work helping breast cancer patients. Find out more about the team of surgeons specialising in breast reconstruction surgery who have been changing patients’ lives after mastectomy.

After the initial consultation with your Plastic Surgeon you may be referred to a Breast Reconstruction Nurse, giving you the opportunity to discuss your surgery again and to ask any questions you may have.
The events leading to a diagnosis and treatment may leave you with all sorts of feelings, such as fear, shock or anxiety. We all have different reactions and it can be hard to deal with and understand them during this time. Our Psychotherapy service is here to help and support you with this.